Read article: Atomic nuclei go for a quantum swing Quantum mechanics Research update Atomic nuclei go for a quantum swing Precisely controlling nuclear excitations could aid the development of ultraprecise clocks as well as batteries that can store huge amounts of energy
Read article: Entangled electron pairs created using heat Low-temperature physics Research update Entangled electron pairs created using heat Cooper pairs in a superconductor split and electrons collected by quantum dots
Read article: Collective behaviour emerges particle by particle Quantum mechanics Research update Collective behaviour emerges particle by particle Six atoms are enough to constitute a many-body system, say researchers
Read article: Relativistic quasiparticles tunnel through barrier with 100% transmission, verifying century-old prediction Acoustics Research update Relativistic quasiparticles tunnel through barrier with 100% transmission, verifying century-old prediction “Klein tunnelling” has been observed directly for the first time
Read article: Destructive quantum interference improves single-molecule switch Devices and structures Research update Destructive quantum interference improves single-molecule switch New technique could allow for faster, smaller and more energy-efficient transistors
Read article: Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse Quantum mechanics Research update Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse Dedicated underground experiments set new constraints on the Diósi–Penrose model of curvature-induced collapse
Read article: A grasshopper’s quantum leap, mentoring medical physicists, extremely brilliant synchrotron Quantum mechanics Podcasts A grasshopper’s quantum leap, mentoring medical physicists, extremely brilliant synchrotron Making the connection between Bell’s theorem and a hopping insect
Read article: How to time quantum tunnelling using atomic stopwatches, fitness trackers could help with breathing disorders Quantum mechanics Podcasts How to time quantum tunnelling using atomic stopwatches, fitness trackers could help with breathing disorders Huge exoplanets and quantum dots also get a mention in this week’s podcast
Read article: Quantum-tunnelling time is measured using ultracold atoms Quantum mechanics Research update Quantum-tunnelling time is measured using ultracold atoms Spin rotation provides a stopwatch that measures millisecond journey
Read article: Entanglement gets hot and messy Quantum mechanics Research update Entanglement gets hot and messy Contrary to expectations, this fragile quantum-mechanical phenomenon can survive at high temperatures and in a very chaotic environment
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