Read article: Diamond cavity boosts magnetic-field detection Optical physics Research update Diamond cavity boosts magnetic-field detection New sensor could be used to study the brain and heart
Read article: Quantum measurement is for the birds, but is not essential for plants Structure and dynamics Research update Quantum measurement is for the birds, but is not essential for plants New framework analyses the importance of quantum coherence in biological processes
Read article: Geophysicists blast their way to the bottom of tectonic plates Imaging Research update Geophysicists blast their way to the bottom of tectonic plates Seismic-imaging method takes best "picture" yet of slippery zone beneath plates
Read article: Dialling up the cosmos Philosophy, sociology and religion Feature Dialling up the cosmos Edwin Cartlidge reports on the new apps that allow smartphone users to detect cosmic rays
Read article: Listening to the world Detectors and sensors Opinion and reviews Listening to the world Acoustical physicist Philippe Blondel sings the praises of Sonic Wonderland, a book dedicated to the science of sound
Read article: UK unveils £120m quantum-technology hubs Quantum optics News UK unveils £120m quantum-technology hubs Birmingham, Glasgow, Oxford and York universities chosen to co-ordinate new initiative to exploit quantum research
Read article: ‘Quantum reporters’ measure magnetic resonance of one proton Surfaces and interfaces Research update ‘Quantum reporters’ measure magnetic resonance of one proton Physicists turn quantum problem into an opportunity
Read article: Tabletop experiment could detect gravitational waves Telescopes and space missions Research update Tabletop experiment could detect gravitational waves Tiny device could beat LIGO to detecting ripples in space–time, say physicists
Read article: Upgrade set for dark-matter detector Telescopes and space missions Research update Upgrade set for dark-matter detector XENON1T will begin taking data next year
Read article: Rendezvous with a comet Telescopes and space missions Feature Rendezvous with a comet Matt Taylor braces himself as Europe's Rosetta craft gets set to land a probe on a comet for the first time next month