Read article: CMOS controller for quantum computer operates at 3 K Quantum computing Research update CMOS controller for quantum computer operates at 3 K Microwave device keeps its cool while connecting spin qubits
Read article: Carbon-based inks make first fully recyclable transistors Devices and structures Research update Carbon-based inks make first fully recyclable transistors New devices address the growing problem of electronic waste
Read article: Atomic-scale ion transistor could lead to better brain–computer interfaces Biophysics and bioengineering Research update Atomic-scale ion transistor could lead to better brain–computer interfaces Ultrafast device opens and closes channels for selected ions
Read article: Shaped light waves penetrate further into photonic crystals Nanophotonics Research update Shaped light waves penetrate further into photonic crystals Result overcomes Bragg-length barrier and could have important applications in optoelectronics
Read article: Graphene beam splitter gives electron quantum optics a boost Devices and structures Research update Graphene beam splitter gives electron quantum optics a boost Device could allow electron interferometry to be used in nanotechnology and quantum computing
Read article: Nanoscale degradation of ferroelectric crystals observed for the first time Condensed matter Research update Nanoscale degradation of ferroelectric crystals observed for the first time Charge accumulation drives polarization in the wrong direction
Read article: Quantum dot array could make ultralow-energy switches 2D materials Research update Quantum dot array could make ultralow-energy switches Researchers observe nonlinear effect in a new kind of hybrid semiconductor
Read article: Superconductivity and quantum Hall effect coexist in novel nitride material Superconductivity Research update Superconductivity and quantum Hall effect coexist in novel nitride material GaN/NbN heterostructure supports both phenomena – which are usually mutually exclusive – and is now a candidate for topological quantum computing
Read article: Flexible detector takes high-resolution X-ray images in 3D Devices and structures Research update Flexible detector takes high-resolution X-ray images in 3D Device might find use in healthcare applications such as portable mammography detectors
Read article: Ferroelectric domain wall diodes get flexible Devices and structures Research update Ferroelectric domain wall diodes get flexible New devices can be erased, positioned and shaped using electric fields