Read article: Plan for ‘nuclear clock’ unveiled Nuclear physics Research update Plan for ‘nuclear clock’ unveiled Solid-state system could be far simpler than atomic clocks
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Read article: Both answers correct in century-old optics dilemma Quantum mechanics Research update Both answers correct in century-old optics dilemma Different momenta of light reflect wave-particle duality
Read article: Physicists catch sight of trembling particle Structure and dynamics Research update Physicists catch sight of trembling particle Quantum stimulation validates Schrödinger's 1930 prediction
Read article: Atomic spins measure ultracold temperatures Ultracold matter Research update Atomic spins measure ultracold temperatures New thermometer could work down to a few trillionths of a Kelvin
Read article: Measuring (almost) zero Particles and interactions Feature Measuring (almost) zero Chad Orzel explains why a non-zero value for the electron's electric dipole moment could be the harbinger of "new physics"
Read article: Snail shell spiral switched Soft matter and liquids Research update Snail shell spiral switched Biophysicists change the chirality in developing snail embryos
Read article: Scheme removes entropy from ultracold atoms Ultracold matter Research update Scheme removes entropy from ultracold atoms Transferring entropy from one gas to another should allow study of new quantum systems
Read article: Michelson–Morley experiment is best yet Constants and units Research update Michelson–Morley experiment is best yet Local Lorentz invariance for light confirmed at highest precision yet
Ultracold matter Research update Ultracold trios tell us more about Efimov states Italian lab makes two breakthroughs