The detection and monitoring of metals and organic compounds in water, is normally done by having an technician collect on-site field samples. These samples are then take back to a laboratory. Though ...
They claim that the “colliding beam fusion reactor” is superior to the tokamak approach favoured by the international fusion community. The University of Florida/University of California-I...
The studies were carried out by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on the behalf of the Department of Energy. According to the reports, waste from at least five of the tanks has seeped 70m belo...
Pacemakers work by sending a electrical pulse from a pacemaker through a lead to endocardial tissue, a layer of tissue which is then simulated inside the heart. The lead passes into the heart through ...
Fusion experiments at the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion project in Oxfordshire, UK, are more than halfway to breakeven – the point where the power produced by the reactor equals that supplie...
Mercury manometers, out-of-date computers and pressure gauges calibrated in pounds per square inch. These are some of the pieces of obsolete equipment that UK students are using in undergraduate labor...
The US Army Space and Strategic Defense Command has fired its Miracl laser at an American satellite orbiting 260 miles above the Earth. The powerful laser, an offshoot of the Strategic Defence Initiat...
That was the conclusion drawn by John Enderby of Bristol University who gave a presentation on “Experimental physics in the UK: problems and promise” at the British Association‘s sci...