Read article: Gravitational lensing creates ‘Einstein’s cross’ of distant supernova Telescopes and space missions Research update Gravitational lensing creates ‘Einstein’s cross’ of distant supernova Four images of a supernova could probe general relativity and rate of cosmic expansion
Read article: Quasar spectrum shines a new light on unchanged fundamental constants Telescopes and space missions Research update Quasar spectrum shines a new light on unchanged fundamental constants Results hint at the static nature of the dark-energy field
Read article: Could the Sun be trapping asymmetric dark matter? Telescopes and space missions Research update Could the Sun be trapping asymmetric dark matter? New model could help settle discrepancies between theory and observational solar data
Read article: Dark matter seen in the Milky Way’s core Telescopes and space missions Research update Dark matter seen in the Milky Way’s core Astronomers provide the first direct evidence that dark matter abounds in the inner part of our galaxy
Read article: Planck pins down the end of the cosmic ‘dark ages’ Telescopes and space missions Research update Planck pins down the end of the cosmic ‘dark ages’ Star formation began 100 million years later than previously thought
Read article: New calculations support dark-matter discovery by DAMA, say physicists Telescopes and space missions Research update New calculations support dark-matter discovery by DAMA, say physicists Annual signal in detector could be explained by a new interaction
Read article: Indian Neutrino Observatory set for construction Policy and funding News Indian Neutrino Observatory set for construction Government pledges $236m towards underground lab
Read article: The world of physics in 2015 Transport properties News The world of physics in 2015 Find out more about the key physics events of the coming year – and those we predict might happen
Read article: Planck offers another glimpse of the early universe Telescopes and space missions Research update Planck offers another glimpse of the early universe Space mission offers new insights into dark matter and primordial neutrinos, but evidence for inflation is not forthcoming
Read article: Is dark energy eating dark matter? Telescopes and space missions Research update Is dark energy eating dark matter? Dark-sector interaction could explain universe evolution