Read article: Pulsars could reveal nanohertz gravitational waves within 10 years Gravity Research update Pulsars could reveal nanohertz gravitational waves within 10 years Colliding supermassive black holes could soon come into view
Read article: Exploring the cosmos with gravitational waves Gravity Podcasts Exploring the cosmos with gravitational waves Recent discoveries usher in a new era of multimessenger astronomy
Read article: What happened to the GW170817 neutron stars after the merger? Gravity Research update What happened to the GW170817 neutron stars after the merger? Short-lived hypermassive neutron star could have been formed
Read article: What gravitational waves did (and didn’t) tell us about GW170817 Gravity Blog What gravitational waves did (and didn’t) tell us about GW170817 Observation over 100 s provides a wealth of knowledge
Read article: Neutron star merger as it happened Gravity Blog Neutron star merger as it happened Minute-by-minute account of how more than 70 telescopes focused on GW170817
Read article: Spectacular collision of two neutron stars observed for first time Gravity Research update Spectacular collision of two neutron stars observed for first time LIGO and Virgo collaboration and dozens of telescopes see gravitational waves and gamma rays from stupendous event, triggering new era in "multimessenger astronomy”
Read article: How does LIGO detect gravitational waves? Gravity Blog How does LIGO detect gravitational waves? Using quantum mechanics to measure distances on the attometre scale
Read article: Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne win 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics Gravity News Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne win 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics Trio win for their work on gravitational waves
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Read article: Virgo bags its first gravitational waves Gravity News Virgo bags its first gravitational waves Third detector helps pinpoint astronomical sources as fourth black-hole merger is detected
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