Read article: Supermassive black hole binary might lurk in nearby galaxy Telescopes and space missions Research update Supermassive black hole binary might lurk in nearby galaxy Researchers in Japan claim to have found evidence for a pair of supermassive black holes
Gravity Research update No sign yet of extra dimensions Physicists have searched for new forces predicted by string theory to exist in extra dimensions, but found nothing
Read article: Lorentz symmetry stays intact Particles and interactions Research update Lorentz symmetry stays intact Physicists set new limits on violations of Lorentz invariance
Gravity Research update Gravity and light move at the same speed Physicists measure the speed of gravity for the first time
Gravity Research update The Milky Way’s dark secret It’s official: there is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
Telescopes and space missions Research update Galactic lenses cut black holes down to size Quasar claim could boost models of the early Universe
Read article: Cyclic universe bounces back Gravity Research update Cyclic universe bounces back The universe could undergo an endless series of big bangs and cosmic crunches
Optical physics Research update Artificial black holes on the horizon DIY black holes could emit ‘Hawking radiation’
Quantum mechanics Research update Neutrons reveal quantum effects of gravity The step-like motion of falling neutrons could shed fresh light on the nature of gravity
Quantum mechanics Research update Cool laser puts special relativity to the test Speed check verifies the fundamental theory more accurately than ever