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Physics World Quantum Science & Technologies Briefing 2021

Physics World Quantum Science & Technologies Briefing 2021

In this free-to-read Physics World Quantum Science & Technologies Briefing we have tried to balance dreams with milestones. The section on quantum computing includes articles on most major qubit types, some of which are currently much further along the developmental road than others. Articles on quantum materials and quantum simulation explore devices and techniques that could have important near-term implications for scientific research, if not yet for commercial products. Finally, a section on quantum fundamentals reminds us that the future of quantum science may lie in areas we’ve barely even dreamed about.

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Or you can read selected content from the Physics World Quantum Science & Technologies Briefing 2021 here

Google quantum electronics analysis

Converting quantum promises into commercial realities

Quantum chips illustration interview

Materials for a quantum world

Ilyas Khan interview

From infancy to adolescence

Conceptual image showing many waves superimposed on each other research update

Three-node quantum network makes its debut

Black hole merger research update

Atomic clocks could detect signals from merging black holes

The INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory research update

Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse

A photonic chip balances on a person's finger research update

Programmable photonic chip lights up quantum computing

Severin Daiss research update

Quantum gate teleportation connects atomic qubits in two labs

A conceptual image of particles colliding within the ATLAS detector at CERN research update

Quantum computer captures physics of high-energy particles

Gaussian boson sampling research update

Quantum advantage demonstrated using Gaussian boson sampling

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