Physics World May 2021
Artificial intelligence: towards better, smarter and fairer physics
Physicists have had a big impact on building better AI, and many end up working on AI research in industry, as this special issue makes clear through interviews with AI experts in particle, medical and quantum physics. But AI is not purely code and algorithms. The biases that exist within our society are mirrored and sometimes amplified by these systems, which have far-reaching and significant impacts on society in turn. Along with proper governance and regulation, it’s important that physicists recognize and tackle bias in AI.
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Or you can read selected content from the May 2021 issue of Physics World here
The Turing Test 2.0
Rooting for women in science
Combat robotics
Licensing Arm
Fighting algorithmic bias
Powerful partnership
Intelligent drug discovery
More human than human – exclusive short story by Kevlin Henney
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