Telescopes and space missions News Chile retains role Chile has found the funds to remain part of the $184m Gemini partnership
Telescopes and space missions News Mission to Saturn back on track The Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and one of its moons, Titan, lifts off
Nuclear power News Proliferation worries grow at US reactor The US government breaks the boundaries between its civilian and military nuclear programmes
Particles and interactions News Heavy ions split US and Europe More than 1000 nuclear physicists are striving to avoid a split in the community over the next generation of heavy-ion experiments
Nuclear power News India invests in fast-breeder reactor The money will go on technology development and testing, materials science research, studies on the reprocessing of fast-breeder fuel, site investigations and preliminary building work
Projects and facilities News Particle factory opens in Italy The first of a new generation of meson factories was officially inaugurated in Italy at the end of September
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