Read article: Web life: Astrobites Telescopes and space missions Opinion and reviews Web life: Astrobites A blog where astronomy PhD students write bite-sized summaries of recent astronomy papers for undergraduates
Read article: European superscope reveals its three ‘first-light’ instruments Telescopes and space missions News European superscope reveals its three ‘first-light’ instruments Agreements signed for E-ELT's phase 1 instruments with the UK, France, Germany and other European states
Read article: Dark matter may power supernovae Telescopes and space missions Research update Dark matter may power supernovae Claim could be put to the test by new detectors
Dark matter and energy Blog Is dark energy becoming marginalized? New type Ia supernovae study throws up a surprise
Read article: Subterranean science Astroparticle physics Feature Subterranean science Sean Paling and Stephen Sadler describe how deep underground labs are diversifying into areas such as astrobiology and earth sciences
Read article: Between the lines Stars and solar physics Opinion and reviews Between the lines Sun-centred poetry, an insider’s view of dark matter research and a tribute to the Hubble Space Telescope, reviewed by Margaret Harris and Tushna Commissariat
Read article: XENON1T will join the hunt for dark matter this autumn Dark matter and energy Research update XENON1T will join the hunt for dark matter this autumn World's largest direct-detection experiment will be more than 10 times more sensitive than current detectors
Dark matter and energy Blog What can cosmic rays tell us about dark matter? Geneva lab hosts “AMS Days at CERN”
Read article: ‘Cosmic shear’ reveals dark matter in new high-resolution map Telescopes and space missions Research update ‘Cosmic shear’ reveals dark matter in new high-resolution map Large-scale map from the Dark Energy Survey pinpoints clumps and filaments
Read article: Dark matter and muons are ruled out as DAMA signal source Telescopes and space missions Research update Dark matter and muons are ruled out as DAMA signal source New simulations show that signal is very difficult to explain by any known model